What to Expect in Art Class FAQ

After School Art Classes

Students will create hands on Project Based Learning.  Mrs. Gordon has taught all ages of kiddos & adults and LOVES how you are encouraging your child’s artistic abilities.  However, kiddos learn differently and I want to let them explore their abilities without feeling pressured with  other adults in the studio.  Thus I kindly ask that all parents who want to stay, happily enjoy the outside swings & bring a book to read. 

It Takes A Village

We are always striving to come up with new and fun ideas to slather paint, drizzle glue, arrange shapes, and mix colors in ways that helps develop fine/gross motor skills, improve hand+eye coordination, develop language, make decisions, make connections (when I do this, that happens….), socialize (playing with others, learning to take turns and share), and gain an awareness of colors, shapes, lines, forms & textures

No Right or Wrong

Projects are planned with the goal of providing stimulating, interesting materials that invite children to create. There may be a suggestion of what a project could end up looking like (for example, a cactus collage) but there is no “right or wrong” way to use the materials and we certainly don’t expect everyone to make something that looks like a cactus! In this example, older kids (4 -5ish) will be excited to “make a cacti” – even though it may not end up looking anything like it, but younger children won’t be able to visualize or connect with the idea of making a “cacti”, they will just enjoy exploring the materials, learning the colors and shapes, and arranging all the pieces to make something “ish”.(Ish is a Great Book! It’s always better if you just let them create at their own pace and in their own way rather than doing something for them or repositioning things. Also, if they are enjoying one component of a project, with no interest in anything else that is set out, that’s ok! Let them stay and enjoy that as long as they want!

Encouraging Creators

The most important thing to remember with this age, is that all children have different temperaments and attention spans. It’s very normal for them to not want to sit still or need to run around for a minute! Unless they are rolling around on the floor having a meltdown, you’d be surprised what they are taking in and processing. You can help them by encouraging them, cheering them on, playing with them, showing them how to use the materials (but not doing it “for” them), using words to build their vocabulary, and re-engaging them if they lose interest or have a short attention span. You can challenge them a bit further with prompts like “Oh! look at all those circles you just painted – how many are there?”, “What happens if you mix yellow & blue?” and “Can you find something round <bumpy, shiny, etc.)?” You get the picture.

What is your refund policy? 

We understand if you or your creative one is sick. Please stay home and get some rest. However, there are No Make up Days, or Refunds. We do wash our hands Often


Most supplies we use in our toddler class are non-toxic, and it is very common for sensory oriented children to learn by touching and tasting. The paint looks delicious but sometimes they just need to try it to find out that it’s not! A sip of paint or gnawing on an oil pastel shouldn’t harm them, but definitely keep an eye on them to watch what they put in their mouth, particularly with regard to choking hazards.

If you sit at the High tables, please always be next to your child to keep them from falling off.  When sitting at the tables, grab another stool and saddle up next to them to make sure they are secure (don’t run over to your bag to get your phone and leave them alone on the stool). Children who prop up on their knees or stand on the stools topple off very easily.  For the Mini makers we will be in the smaller room, play room & Process Art rooms.


Please wear clothing that is ok to get messy in.  Some materials are washable, while some may not.  At ArtBarnATX diving right in and enjoying the process of art making is way more fun when you aren’t stressed about mess and clothing.  Aprons are available, but honestly kids enjoy themselves and YOU won’t be stressed if they are wearing clothes to get messy and have FUN in.

Art Supplies Used

f you are at our studio no matter your age, birthday Party , Camp or a Workshop. ArtBarnATX uses an incredible amount of super high-quality, archival, fine art mastery supplies with our students of all ages. These supplies alone make your kids’ artworks into archival masterpieces (that means the resulting artwork can last up to 100 years!)

Supplies include but not limited to:

  • Highly pigmented, studio grade acrylic paints in all colors including, some specialties like fluorescent and metallic
  • Sharpies, paint pens like Posca acrylic markers
  • Watercolor paints
  • Paintbrushes in every shape, length and purpose imaginable
  • Thick 90 lb, textured watercolor/mixed media paper
  • Gesso-primed, back-stapled canvases
  • Prismacolor artist pencils
  • Oil pastels and chalk pastels
  • Sculpture wires of different kinds
  • Specialized kiln-firing clay for ceramics and pottery – from a locally owned Austin Store
  • 4 potter’s wheel, firing kiln, and customized ceramics glazes for ceramics and pottery
  • The list goes on and on and on……

Is ArtBarnATX Wheelchair Accessible?

The ArtBarnATX is not wheelchair accessible and only has stairs. Please call ahead before you arrive if you need assistance.

What Accommodations Are Available For Children With Special Needs?

This is a classroom setting and children with special needs will have support provided by parents.

Do You Accept Walk-Ins? Do You Make Single-Person Appointments?

ArtBarnATX is by appointment only and led by a professional  Texas Certified Art Educator Mrs. Gordon for instructing group sizes of 5 or more. We are not a walk in studio.

Where Is Parking At ArtBarnATX?

  • The GATE IS SET ON A TIMER for The host may arrive 15 mins prior to the party for the setup of food cutlery etc. for parties.

When coming up the private drive, stay to the right of the Y. ArtBarnATX is on the left (big beige warehouse building). Stair entrance is highly decorated. Parking is on the right behind the house where the parking sign is. We have enough parking for 12-13 cars, so if possible carpooling would be great.