Tuesday After School Art Class


Tuesday After School Art Class

6 weeks: 1.5-hour art class Includes

Next 6 Weeks Dates are October 22nd, 29th (Skip November 5th) November 12th, 19th, (Skip November 26th) December 3rd, 10th

Students will learn through Project Base….meaning they learn through hands-on Art.  We will be exploring and creating various art using different mediums.  These classes will utilize different mediums, techniques, and supplies.  Projects are fun & engaging lessons in painting, sculpture, and mixed media with some art history sprinkled in.  Mrs. Gordon meets your kiddos at their skill level and we build from that.

  • Tuesdays
  • Individual Instruction/guidance as needed
  • use of studio space (Cleaning, trash, utilities)
  • All supplies, various canvas sizes, paints, brushes, glues, papers, oil pastels, chalks, etc
  • Included 1 ceramic project, firing, and glazes
  • 4:45 PM – 6:15 PM
  • $225
  • No make-up days
  • Designed for 6 year olds and up – elementary / middle school age students. Student must be potty-trained and independent Ages 6 and up
  • FAQ Here  

Please bring your own water bottle & snacks.

Class is So FUN with Friends.

Minimum 5 registered artists, or class will be canceled and you will be refunded your money.

Please Click Here to sign your child’s waiver.
(A waiver is required for all participants).

Please provide your child’s information during checkout.

Current Dates:  September 10th, 17th, 24th & October 1st, 8th, 15th In session Now.  When you enroll now you will start at the October 22nd date

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